Here’s what other’s have to say about our
Educational Programs, Networking, and Benefits:
Mr. Jones started in Law enforcement at the age of 21 and spent 27 years patrolling the streets. He felt there was something inside him that said there’s got to be more than getting shot at to make a living. He wasn’t getting wealthy driving a patrol car. After a stint in insurance, the real estate bug hit.
Mr. Jones attended our events that featured “The Rehab Queen” Robyn Thompson. Mr. Jones purchased the program and Robyn took him under her wing and taught him things he didn’t know he could learn. He built a six figure rehab income, which Mr. Jones admits is really good, but now he’s reached the seven figure mark! Asked about his success, Mr. Jones says, “I got to monthly meetings with Robyn and Steve Love, I’m a student of the business. It’s ok to be a copy cat, as long as you copy the right cat! You have to learn from the right people in this business and that’s Robyn and Steve Love. They have the best trainers. A. Jones
In 2009 the bond market collapses, all the construction projects by municipalities had stopped and Robert had borrowed against his invoices, putting him in the hole by $200,000. But several months and stupid mistakes later put Robert in the about $460,000.
Robert attended his first meeting with Steve and Robyn Love in August 2012 where Larry Harbolt spoke about seller financing. He thought the topic was interesting, but spent the next few months chasing down money. Robert purchased Kent’s course, and instead of sending letters to homeowners about buying their home, as the course instructs, he sent letters about fixing their home as their contractor. Those letters generated $184,000 of work for Robert.
Since then, he’s fixing and flipping houses in New Jersey with a partner, as well as in California, picked up a Hedge Fund as a client that he’s done about $2,000,000 of business for. Still none of that would have happened if he hadn’t attended the one meeting with Steve and Robyn when Kent was speaking. “If it wasn’t for you offering such great knowledge and techniques, I wouldn’t be here today”, says Robert.
Arthur worked as a bartender for 10 Years before becoming dissatisfied with his job and was searching for something else that could support a family. While taking an online class for real estate investing, one of the first steps the class instructed the students to do was to attend a REIA Club. Arthur attended Steve and Robyn’s event and heard trainers Justin Williams and Andy McFarland speak. That’s the night that Arthur’s life changed forever. He decided to work with Justin and Andy and tap into their resources and within 3 months he cashed his first check.
If you are just starting as an investor Arthur says, “there were days I would come home hot and sweaty and would argue with my wife about money. I would be so tired, I just wanted to quit and find a job. But I didn’t because I wanted to be a real estate investor. That’s the #1 thing… Don’t quit. Second, work your niche. - Arthur
“I had a great time at your REIA meeting today with AJ Puedan as the speaker. I found him to be very insightful on the ways he teaches you to develop the proper mindset needed to become a successful entrepreneur. I am definitely going to work on the exercises he has given to establish, develop and reinforce more FOCUS and CLARITY in my mission to become a Successful Real Estate Investor.” - Robert, Member - LVREIA
“Aj has more than just words of encouragement he has a mental strategy that has potential to catapult your real estate career to the next level!” - Rashard D.
“I want to thank you for hosting AJ Puedan and myself last night. His message was excellent and on point. My fiancé and I are excited about taking this journey with you and AJ, and look forward to our future success.” Thanks again – K. Tschopp
“We attended Las Vegas REIA class with Gene Guarino on Senior Assisted Housing. It was fantastic! We signed up for the full course – it was well worth flying in from Kansas City. Thanks LV REIA”, Patricia and David L.
“Without a doubt the most profitable 5 hours I have spent learning about a “no-brianer” real estate business strategy! This Saturday event with Gene Guarino on Senior Housing is well worth the time. LV REIA unexpectedly provided lunch for the entire group and the content of this meeting was very much worth the time attending.” B. Stringham
“Great event both Wed. and Sat. Very excited about the opportunities. The meeting content is excellent, very good information Gene Guarino was a great presenter.” Tom D.
“Las Vegas REIA, This was a wonderful event. I am looking forward to going to other events. Everyone was great! Thank you!” L. Kamelamela
Your membership in Las Vegas REIA Chapter includes membership in the National Real Estate Investors Association.